Kris Randal

Attorney and state government executive manager


Former executive manager overseeing Wisconsin welfare reform, child support, and refugee services programs retired in late 2017. Formerly a 10-year board member of Wisconsin nonprofit child welfare agency. Major interests: poverty and employment services, reproductive rights and services, and children's services. MBA and JD degrees from UW-Madison with emphasis areas in strategic planning and employment relations.

Brings to Board

35 years experience in social service programs, public sector management, grant writing and seeking public and private funding, public policy analysis, implementation of new programs, legislative relations, and program evaluation.

Hopes for a Board Seat

Continued involvement in organizations supporting children and parents to help innovate programming to meet their needs, develop funding for creative solutions, and mentor nonprofit management facing significant challenges. Thoughtful interactions with board members, managers, and other stakeholders to develop solid strategies for improving the lives of children and families.


  • business process improvement, data analytics and program evaluation, developing and implementing managers, development and presentation of employeesupervisorymanagement training., human resources and employee performance, program development, public speaking, strategic planning, zym,