2019 Nonprofit Draft Day
Talent Scouts
Nonprofits Looking for Board Members

These nonprofits are looking for board members. You could be serving on a board before the end of January 2019. Browse and review their profiles before Saturday, January 19th. This will provide you with more clarity around which organizations interest you the most, and allow you to spend your time, on Saturday, more wisely. Introduce yourself and drop business cards in to the boxes of the nonprofits you'd want to serve with smartly. If you've signed up for notifications, you'll receive emails when new organizations are added.

Matched: Tony Roberts
Matched: Matthew Byars
Matched: Caitlyn Reinart
Matched: Sally Wedde
Matched: Tammy Taylor
Matched: Jennifer Graf
Matched: Kristen Donkle
Matched: Cassandra Bishop
Matched: Ashlie Crooks
Matched: Brianne Kraimer
Matched: Jon Staebell