

Our mission is to guide underrepresented young adults from the Madison community to achieve their financial, educational and career goals through mentoring, networking and professional development.


Contact Information


conNEXTions guides underrepresented young adults between the ages of 18 to 29 to achieve their goals by increasing their financial knowledge, building their social capital and connecting them with the community. We provide mentoring opportunities with professionals that have expertise in the young adults’ career interests. We also provide networking opportunities by teaching young adults how to network and creating events for them to practice their skills. Finally, we offer free workshops on personal and professional development such as financial literacy, self-branding/confidence building, interviewing and resume writing so that young adults can get out into the real world on their own and achieve their goals.

Women and people of color are underrepresented in many important fields such as STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math), and also in leadership and government positions. In addition, those from low-income communities are also underrepresented, have limited resources and opportunities, and they face financial barriers. Once you turn 18, you're expected to go off into the world on your own and many underrepresented young adults no longer have family, school, or community support. And it’s such a crucial age to not have that support because you’re making so many important life decisions. We want to be the next step for young adults so that they can be successful.


Board Position

We are looking for a board member that has fundraising experience and connections to help raise funds for our organization and connect us to employers and mentors.


Schedule One-to-One

You can schedule a one-to-one meeting with conNEXTions to discuss their board position and your potential interest. Find a date that works for you below.

IMPORTANT - Please add the following email, [email protected], as a guest when you are entering your details. They are the conNEXTions's representative for your One-to-One Session.